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National Institute of Applied Science and Technology
المعهد الوطني للعلوم التطبيقية والتكنولوجيا Tunisie Maroc algérie tn dz logo national competitions event club la robotique robotics IT robot autonome sumo suiveur eviteur d'obstacle tout terrain arduino program date sfax sousse tunis

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IEEE Region8 Cross-Sectional Student Initiatives Booster Program is a Bootcamp including many conferences and workshops hosted by our 6 technical chapters and our affinity group, then a specification will be available precising the competition's details, participants will have two weeks to prepare their project to finally pitch their ideas in front of our highly qualified jury members.



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Online event National Institute of Applied Science and Technology المعهد الوطني للعلوم التطبيقية والتكنولوجيا